Dragons Abreast Ausrtralia Seminar
Cancer Council Queensland
Tuesday 31st August, 2010
Thank you for having us here tonight. We appreciate the opportunity to continue to tell Jenny’s story.
This is the first time that Joanne and I have had the opportunity to tell Jenny’s Story since her passing on the 30 June 2009.

As Mike Haslam (Executive President of the International Dragon Boat Federation) wrote to us just before our first Christmas without Jenny ..
"Jenny will continue to be an inspiration to us all and her story will be there for others as an example of the strength of the human body and spirit when faced with adversity, [..]
Her story and your telling of it will ensure that Jenny lives on, not only in your own hearts and minds, but in those of everyone who comes to know her through you."

Jenny’s life changed after the June 2004 airing of In the Pink, the Australian Story Episode that we have just watched. From then on, Jenny was often recognised in public. She, and even Joanne, would often be "pulled up" by people in the street or at regattas so that they could share their story about how the Australian Story episode helped them to make positive changes to their lives.

A few months later, in October 2004, just before Jenny and Jo flew out to Shanghai for the World Dragon Boat Championships, Jenny was asked to speak at a Pink Ribbon Lunch where the Governor of NSW, Marie Bashir, was the special guest.

The talk was well received and this was the start of many to follow, as she became a Speaker for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
As the years passed by, Jenny’s story evolved (through the spreading of the cancer and her dragon boat adventures) and she was constantly editing and adding to it.

In the later years she added a photo slide show to provide a visual element to the presentation.

So when we were invited by Michelle and Jo to speak about Jenny’s Story tonight, we thought long and hard about it. In the end, we felt that we could not tell Jenny’s story better than she did. So we thought it would be appropriate, and as a tribute to Jenny, we would present Jenny’s last talk (pdf), which she did at Riverview College on the 1st April 2009, just three short months before she left us.

The complete presentation is here:
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