As was recently mentioned in our presentation at the Dragons Abreast Australia's Seminar in Brisbane, Jenny's first ever talk was at the Sydney Breast Cancer Foundation's Pink Ribbon Lunch on the 12 Oct 2004. It was just a few days before we all flew out to Shanghai for the 2004 World Dragon Boat Championships. Jenny and Jo were going as competitors, and myself as a supporter and photographer (my paddling career was yet to be launched, though I knew at that stage I wanted to get more involved).
I remember Jenny writing the speech late one night well in advance of the Lunch. I can remember hearing Jenny's fingers tapping away on the keyboard as I nodded off to sleep. The words came fast and naturally, and the speech was ready with a few minor modifications. It would become the basis for all the talks that followed. Jenny would often be asked to give talks and she also became a Speaker for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
The Pink Ribbon Lunch was hosted by Angela Bishop and the Governor of NSW, Marie Bashir, was the special guest.
Jenny did a great job and touched all with her talk. Jenny and Joanne were both presented with a beautiful bunch of flowers. I videoed Jenny's talk. Must dig it out and have a look at it at some stage.
Here are some photos I recently found from the day.
After the Lunch, we walked back through Hyde Park North to view the photos in the Sydney Life 2004 Exhibition. I will put some of my photos up in the next couple of posts, since it is now Sydney Life time of the year.

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