Peter Kool (*) writes On Feelings (*) and Street Photography (*):
most of the time it’s the feeling (*) instead of the rationality that makes the picture. In most situations there’s too little time to think it over.via Variety is the Spice of Life: Interview with Peter Kool (*) by Eric Kim (*).
I dare to object. An immense part of art is craftmanship: if you want to let your feelings manifest into something without thinking about "how", you have to be a master of the art. And this requires studies and training ... or talent. ;-)
ReplyDeleteYou are definitley right Uwe and I thank you for comment. There is probably not enough context to my selected quote and I think your comment clarifie my intention for the quote. I think for any chosen task we some skill is require, it takes much practice before something meaningfully can be created from a feeling or a hunch. I did change the title of this post shortly after publishing it (It was 'On Feelings and Photography" to "On Feelings and Street Photogepahy") as I realised that Street Photography requires quick reflexes and intiuition from years of practice and trail and error to achieve a memorable photography of that tradition. I have tried hard over many years to make a solid photo in this tradition and I feel I have just a handful of photos that elevate themselves above a snapshot or a record (which BTW are important to me assist my failing memory. Again, thanks for the comment as it made me think more about how to achieve something meaningful when there is virtually no time to react. Regard to all .. Geoff
ReplyDeleteSorry for all the typos in the previous comment. I'm am "all thumbs" with my iPhone and I was not sure if my commet would be lost if I chose to preview it. I hope what is there will be understable. Regards .. Geoff
ReplyDeleteYou should not take my comment too seriously. ;-) I just like to start some serious sounding discussion by mocking but I always do it with a smile on my lips. Ans I like this picture very much! Do you remember John Myungs comments about his work? Only a small percentage of his music passes his own review. So you are in good company.