Steven Rosen (*) writes Street Photography (*):
The mid-20th century was when street photography became well known, thanks to photographers like Henri Cartier-Bresson, Garry Winogrand and others. Armed with unobtrusive hand-held cameras, they rapidly snapped pictures of passersby, searching for unstudied compositions [..]Brian Sholis (*) continues:
In the 21st century, for better or worse, there are fewer people at home during the day and we’ve offloaded a lot of that ‘eyes on the street’ to surveillance cameras,Steven Rosen (*) summarises:
At the same time, those cameras fill many with unease.Brian Sholis (*) concludes:
So 21st century street photographers are dealing with techniques and issues far different from their forebears
What unites them is they’re incredibly attentive and able to reveal things that we might not otherwise see because the street is such a kinetic and dynamic placevia Street Photography in the 21st Century (*) by Steven Rosen (*).

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