Seth Godin on being Active:
More important than the output, though, is the act itself. The act of doing it every day. When you commit to a practice, you will certainly have days when you don't feel like it, when you believe it's not your best work, when the muse deserts you. But, when you keep your commitment, the muse returns. When you keep your commitment, the work happens.via Susdat by Seth Godin.It doesn't matter if anyone reads it, buys it, sponsors it or shares it. It matters that you show up.
Show up, sit down and type. (Or paint [or photograph]).
Had many days like this here and in life, particularly these last few years. The mere act of showing up has got me through. Congrats Seth on your 6000th post. I was inspired to start blogging on your 3000th post back in Feb 2009.
We all need people to talk us up when we feel like all is lost, pointless or without purpose - sometimes it just has to be ourselves to do the talking. Seth and a few other bloggers have helped me here online, but there are a few in my life that have done the same thing. Thanks ..
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