A Warrior of Light often loses Heart ..
A Warrior of Light often loses heart.
He believes that nothing can stir him in the emotion he so desired. He is forced to spend many evenings and nights feeling that he is one of the vanquished, and nothing seems able to restore his enthusiasm.
His friends [and himself sometimes] say ‘Perhaps his fight is over.
The warrior feels pain and confusion when he hears[/feels] such remarks because he knows that he has not yet reached the place he wanted to reach. But he is stubborn and refuses to relinquish his aims.
Then, when he least expects it, a new door opens.
Many hugs too you on this very sad anniversary ... Jenny has been in my thoughts alot this past week especially, obviously reminding me that she's still with us in spirit. For as long as she is in our minds and our hearts, she is with us. Hope you are doing okay.