step outside
your comfort zone.
give it a try.
don't wonder
'what if?'
Jenny 43 years old
“Don’t Wonder ‘What if?’” is a term Jenny coined for a book , titled A Pocketful of Sequins - Words from the Heart (*), which was published in 2005.
Jenny was asked to attend a workshop organised by the author, Joanne Fedler (*), where a group of Breast Cancer Survivors and Supporters were asked to talk and write various things about their experiences and journey with Breast Cancer.
It is a great little book and each person’s saying was annotated with a small painting made by an artist - Julianne Ward.
I have some photos from the Book Launch that Jenny and Joanne attended in late 2005. When I get a chance I will put them here.

Some photos from the book launch back in 2006 and few pages that touched me .. https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipOE600gafiXleaqyrcrnebQpZJvO8AjktqbBNQ