Joel Meyerowitz (*) writes on your Best (*):
best is a superlative, yet for any[one..] best also signifies a work from different periods of development and growing consciousness.via Huffington Post and my best street photograph - alexcoghe (*) by Alex Coghe (*).
On a bus on the way to Venice from Cervia. Ravenna 2014 Club Crews was the strongest of the four I have been to. Incredibly strong competition and we really did not have a chance. A couple of seconds off the podium in the Mixed 2km, our first race. We did not know who we were racing against then and it was a bitter sweet moment. Another case of not knowing how powerful it is not to know. Overall, an awakening of where we and I stand against the best in the world. Starting to feel like I am paddling a little our of my age category, but I hope to have a few more campaigns in me. Thanks to everyone who made this happen. Onwards to Venice in an hour or so. Cheers.
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