Saturday, April 30, 2011
Green Grasstree - Trees - Fraser Island (Thu 25 Apr 2002)
Friday, April 29, 2011
Creme Brulee with LottieP - Sydney Mint Cafe (Fri 25 Mar 2011)
Had the pleasure of sharing lunch with Charlotte, a paddling buddy and fellow Blogger known as LotttieP.

Charlotte has three active blogs:A brief skim through her blogs and you will quickly see that she is an amazingly talented writer and photographer.
Charlotte has inspired and encouraged me with my own humble efforts here on eljeiffel.
Charlotte has a great knowledge of the Arts and Fashion, shoes being an admitted obsession. I will always remember the beautiful red shoes she wore on the sandy shores of the Hawkesbury River at Windsor as we rigged our OC6 for the 2010 Hawkesbury Canoe Classic.
I have often sought advice from Charlotte and she has always responded with much generosity to my naive questions and has knowingly and unknowingly contributed to many of my posts here.
Thank you Charlotte.
Creme Brulee,
Fri 25 Mar 2011,
Sydney Mint Cafe
Floating Reeds - Water - Fraser Island (Sat 27 Apr 2002)
One of my all time Favourite Photos. The arrow like formation provides a strong focal point and there are lots of little details worth looking for if the time is taken to explore the rest of the photo. In particular, the reeds floating on top of the reeds such as the two in the lower left forming an X. Also, love the fact that this photo was taken during the middle of the day, so it did not have the light working for it. Just goes to show that the early morning and late afternoon sun (so often sought after by landscape photographers) is often not needed to get the lighting right for a photo.
Fraser Island,
Sat 27 Apr 2002,
This is Water,
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The Great Gift of the Free Web - The Technium (27 Apr 2011)
It has made some goods so cheap to acquire -- like answers, encyclopedia facts, directions, weather reports, recommendations -- that we generate entirely new realms of activity by doing far more of them.
More is different. We ask so many more questions than before that this ask-and-answer is something new. Have you ever wondered where all our questions were before search engines? We didn't even bother to ask them.
From Would You Pay For Search? by The Technium (27 Apr 2011).
More is different. We ask so many more questions than before that this ask-and-answer is something new. Have you ever wondered where all our questions were before search engines? We didn't even bother to ask them.
From Would You Pay For Search? by The Technium (27 Apr 2011).
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Wedding Cake Island - Bird Noises EP - Midnight Oil (1980) (youtube)
Just thought I put this here after yesterdays post. Wedding Cake Island is a small island off Coogee Beach. Found a live version here.
Bird Noises,
Midnight Oil,
Wedding Cake Island
Kawana Waters - Water - Kawana / Queensland (Sun 26 Apr 2009)
Banksia - Trees - Fraser Island / Queensland (Fri 26 Apr 2002)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
What is a workout? Rob Rowland-Smith - Jeremey Rolleston (Feb 2011)
In his book A Life that Counts, Jeremy Rolleston introduces us to trainer Rob Rowland-Smith. A bit of searching on the Internet and you will find Rob as the SandhillWarrior on Twitter. He certainly impressed Jeremy (as well as me - see here) with his inspirational words and quotes. On pages 136 and 137 of his book, Jeremy quotes Rob's long version of What is a Workout (the short version appeared here a few days ago) as follows:
Here’s a quote by inspirational trainer Rob Rowland-Smith. He wrote it in the context of a workout, but for me, it epitomises the journey, process and outcomes of a committed and disciplined life. I placed it on the front page of my Olympic training folder so I’d read it often, and most times, I read it before I worked out so I’d be better able to discipline myself and work hard enough to achieve what I wanted to achieve during that training session:

When you workout regularly, your problems diminish and your confidence grows. - Jenny and Deb Cooper stroking with George sweeping - DBNSW 2008 Development Squad - Blackwattle Bay / Sydney (Sun 26 Oct 2008)

When you finish a good workout, you don’t simply feel better ... you feel better about yourself." - DBNSW 2008 Development Squad - Blackwattle Bay / Sydney (Sun 26 Oct 2008)
Here’s a quote by inspirational trainer Rob Rowland-Smith. He wrote it in the context of a workout, but for me, it epitomises the journey, process and outcomes of a committed and disciplined life. I placed it on the front page of my Olympic training folder so I’d read it often, and most times, I read it before I worked out so I’d be better able to discipline myself and work hard enough to achieve what I wanted to achieve during that training session:
"What is a workout?Rob completes this with the following words:
A workout is 25% perspiration and 75% determination.
Stated another way, it is one part physical exertion and three parts self-discipline.
Doing it is easy once you get started.
A workout makes you better today than you were yesterday.
It strengthens the body, relaxes the mind and toughens the spirit.
When you workout regularly, your problems diminish and your confidence grows.
A workout is a personal triumph over laziness and procrastination.
It is the badge of a winner – the mark of an organised, goal-oriented person who has taken charge of his or her destiny.
A workout is a wise use of time and an investment in excellence.
It is a way of preparing for life's challenges and proving to yourself that you have what it takes to do what is necessary.
A workout is a key that helps unlock the door to opportunity and success.
Hidden within each of us is an extraordinary force.
Physical and mental fitness are triggers that can release it.
A workout is a form of rebirth.
When you finish a good workout, you don’t simply feel better ... you feel better about yourself."
To follow your dreams takes commitment ... and this means discipline.Some great words here and they will certainly help me focus on what is needed when working towards a Dream.
Do You See What I See? - Hunters & Collectors (1988) (youtube)
The song ends with the lyrics:
Do you remember?
I said do you remember?...
Yes, I remember now. I saw Hunters & Collectors play this song at a Concert in Boston in October 1988. They were the support act for Midnight Oil. I had forgotten about this when I put together yesterdays post (The Forgotten Years). I kept thinking last night, that I had seen Midnight Oil somewhere else. This song made me remember, as I distinctly remember it being performed at the Concert in Boston. Funny how you can remember some things in the end.
Mark Seymour, the bands lead singer, is also a bit of a runner and he ran the same Melbourne Marathon I ran in 1994. He played some songs to a crowd at the finish line after his run. I remember being very impressed with him and his fitness, as I hobbled back to the Hotel Crossley for an afternoon nap.
Found a live version here and the Lyrics follow ..
Do you see what I see Lyrics
I spy your humble home
I see the tea towels fly
In a blinding flash
I see the years go by
Memories twisted around
Somebody's finger
Behind me now
Oh but I still remember
Do you see what I see?
Do you see what I see?
Do you see what I see?
Do you see what I see?
We go north to the ocean
We drove so far
But last years light is shining hotter than the sun
Looking for someone
In a suburb that I know
But I wasn't round for long
I had somewhere else to go
Do you see what I see?
Do you see what I see?
Do you see what I see?
Do you see what I see?
I see the safest place around
In that city down below
My hands are empty now
And I waving as I go
You were gone for a little while
It was a fine fine line
Between first and second thoughts
We left them all behind
Now we barely faulter
Now the long drive has begun
North to the ocean
Hotter, hotter than the sun
Do you see what I see?
Do you see what I see?
Do you see what I see?
Do you remember?
I said do you remember?...
Wet Red - Intersection - Dutton Street / Coolangatta (Thu 07 Apr 2011)

A sun shower made this, otherwise dull (you can already see parts of it drying), red pedestrian crossing glow.
A Little Bit of Red,
Monday, April 25, 2011
Forgotten Years - Midnight Oil (1990) (youtube)
Who can remember, we've got to remember

Anzac Day here in Australia. Jo and I have just been for a long paddle in the rain under and around the Anzac Bridge.
Always think of this song on Anzac Day. I remember hearing this back in the early 1990's. Whenever I hear it now, I think of Jenny and Joanne's Father, Norm. I was always invited around to the Petterson Home for lunch on Anzac Day (I would have three Anzac Days with Norm before he passed away suddenly in June 1992) and there would always be Anzac Biscuits with a tea or coffee for afterwards. Joanne has made a batch for today, so the tradition continues.

Random Recollection follows: Was lucky enough to hear Midnight Oil play this song live in April 1990. I was the only member of the audience ..
I played hockey for most of my life and back in the late 1980's and early 1990's we started playing on a synthetic surface, rather than the traditional grass. The only fields in Sydney at the time were at Homebush (the site and surrounding area would host the Sydney 2000 Olympics).
The only other sporting facility at Homebush at time was the State Sports Centre which had a number of sports halls for playing basketball and many other indoor sports.
After finishing a week night training session with my club, Sydney Uni, I could hear live music being played in one of the sports hall. It was early in the season and it was still warm. The doors to the Hall adjoining the hockey field was open, so I had a look.
At the far end of the Hall was a band playing - it was Midnight Oil rehearsing for an upcoming tour. I sat down, leant against the wall. They appeared to not notice me or did not care. As the lone audience member, I just sat back, thought how lucky I was, and watched and listened to Midnight Oil rehearse a number of songs.
This song, the Forgotten Years was one of them. It stood out to me and I liked it immediately (still do). It was the first time I had heard it and I remember telling Jenny about my good fortune and hearing all their big hits of the time (eg Beds are Burning). I told her about this song, which I had not heard before.
I don't know exactly when, but I know this song started to get some air play and I saw the above film clip which seems to give the song even more meaning.
Here are the lyrics ..
Forgotten Years Lyrics
Few of the sins of the father
Are visited upon the son
Hearts have been hard
Hands have been clenched into fists too long
Our sons need never be soldiers
Our daughters will never need guns
These are the years between
These are the years that were hard fought and won
Contracts torn at the edges
Old signatures stained with tears
Seasons of war and grace
These should not be forgotten years
Still it aches like tetanus
It reeks of politics
How many dreams remain?
This is a feeling too strong to contain
The hardest years, the darkest years
The roarin' years, the fallen years
These should not be forgotten years
The hardest years the wildest years
The desperate and divided years
Our shoreline was never invaded
Our country was never in flames
This is the calm we breathe
This is a feeling too strong to contain
Still it aches like tetanus
It reeks of politics
Signatures stained with tears
Who can remember, we've got to remember
The hardest years, the darkest years...
Forsaking aching breaking years
The time 'n' tested heartbreak years
These should not be forgotten years
The blinded years, the binded years
The desperate and divided years
These should not be forgotten years
As someone said ..
This is simply a song about remembering the sacrifice made by all soldiers during war.
Forgotten Years,
Midnight Oil,
Sunday, April 24, 2011
This is Water / This is Water - David Foster Wallace (Sat 21 May 2005)

David Foster Wallace's (w) 2005 Kenyon College Commencement Address (Sat 21 May 2005) begins with this "neat" parable ...
There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, "Morning, boys. How’s the water?" And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes, "What the hell is water?"He eloborates in the midst of the long and inspiring Address ...
[..] The point of the fish story is merely that the most obvious, important realities are often the ones that are hardest to see and talk about....The fact is that in the day to day trenches of adult existence, banal platitudes can have a life or death importance. [..]and conlcudes with ...
The capital-T Truth is about life BEFORE death. It is about the real value of a real education, which has almost nothing to do with knowledge, and everything to do with simple awareness; awareness of what is so real and essential, so hidden in plain sight all around us, all the time, that we have to keep reminding ourselves over and over:The above photo is the photo that seemed to start my obsession of photographing water in earnest. No need to explain any more than this. Just thought this was a nice way to tie it all together, for me at least.
This is water.
This is water.
An Ending (Ascent) by Brian Eno - 1983 (youtube)
Just another random music video which I stumbled across just now, after following a Jeremy Rolleston Blog post (BTW, take a look, it is a great post). For me I liked the music, water theme of the video and some of the comments:
- This song really makes me think of my past, the past memories, locked away in my brain.
- You could float away listening to this song. Utterly peacful and tranquil in everyway.
Change: Give me the .. by The Sandhill Warrior (Jun 2009)
Give me the courage, tenacity & positivity to change that which I can...(with a smile on my face!) (15 Jun 2009)
Give me the serenity, humility & tolerance to accept that which I cannot... (16 Jun 2009)
And give me the wisdom, humbleness & strength to know the difference. (17 Jun 2009)
SandhillWarrior (Rob Rowland-Smith)
Amazing what you can stumble upon. The message and timing of the above twitter quotes (posted over three days by Rob Rowland-Smith) mean something to me. I made a post from that time of our lives with some photos (a few of them below) titled:
I look back at this time as my Life's Purpose. I knew this from the very moment Jenny told me she had breast cancer, way back in March 1996. We were incredibly Lucky to have so long together. An incredible life together.

Jenny - 'A little tidy up of Jenny's hair - it was always my job to do this.' - Kirrawee - 16 Jun 2009 (picasa)

Jenny, Joanne, David and Geoff - "Jenny takes a photo of us all just before she heads out to have a 4cm brain tumor removed. She had no fear and looked forward to quickly recovering to resume the treatment of the tumors in her liver." - St George - 6:30am Wed 17 Jun 2009 (picasa)

Jenny - 'Just before heading out for surgery.' - St George Hospital - 7am Wed 17 Jun 2009 (picasa)
Give me the serenity, humility & tolerance to accept that which I cannot... (16 Jun 2009)
And give me the wisdom, humbleness & strength to know the difference. (17 Jun 2009)
SandhillWarrior (Rob Rowland-Smith)
Amazing what you can stumble upon. The message and timing of the above twitter quotes (posted over three days by Rob Rowland-Smith) mean something to me. I made a post from that time of our lives with some photos (a few of them below) titled:
- The night before brain surgery .. (Sun 07 Mar 2010)
I look back at this time as my Life's Purpose. I knew this from the very moment Jenny told me she had breast cancer, way back in March 1996. We were incredibly Lucky to have so long together. An incredible life together.

Saturday, April 23, 2011
What is a Workout? - Sandhill Warrior (Tue 13 Oct 2009
What is a Workout?
It is a way of preparing for life’s challenges & proving to yourself that you have what it takes to do what is necessary.
SandhillWarrior (Rob Rowland-Smith) - (Tue 13 Oct 2009)
A snippet from a longer quote (posted here soon) by Rob Rowland-Smith (a) (the Sandhill Warrior) in Jeremy Rolleston's (e) book, A Life that Counts (e)
Australia 2011 Premier Mixed - 2km Turns Workout - Sydney (Sat 23 Apr 2011)
It is a way of preparing for life’s challenges & proving to yourself that you have what it takes to do what is necessary.
SandhillWarrior (Rob Rowland-Smith) - (Tue 13 Oct 2009)
A snippet from a longer quote (posted here soon) by Rob Rowland-Smith (a) (the Sandhill Warrior) in Jeremy Rolleston's (e) book, A Life that Counts (e)
A Life that Counts - Jeremy Rolleston (youtube)
I have electronic and hardcopy versions of his book - A Life that Counts which was just published in February 2011.
It is a great book. It has reinforced and quantified much of what I have experienced and learnt myself. I have been incredibly lucky to be coached by some amazing people and to be part of some great teams (a glimpse here). More importantly, I have learnt a lot from it as well as being inspired by his words and thoughts (his blog reflects much of the book).
I would recommend and encourage you to obtain a copy. You can have the electronic version (a 1.67MB 227 page full colour PDF) of the book in a matter of minutes for only $US 12.95. The secure form is here. I hope to hear him speak one day.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Coming together is a beginning - Aus Squad 2011 - Parkes Place / Canberra - Sun 04 Apr 2011 (picasa)
As one Campaign ends, another begins in earnest.
At the end of the AusDBF 2011 Australian Dragon Boat Championships, the 2011 Australian Dragon Boat Squad came together for the first time.
We had all been through the same journey to get to this point. Initial selection individual fitness tests in November 2010. Then on to the 4 day selection camps for Premier, Masters and Grand Masters in Canberra in January.
The squad was a sea of colour - all the states and just about all the clubs. We had come from all over Australia to be here together for the first time. There were some faces from campaigns past, some familiar new faces from the recent selection camp and some faces I had never seen before. We had already bonded before we had even met for the first time. We were all united by this process, to make it work and the desire to represent our country - to be the best we can.
It was a moving moment as we embraced each other as a Squad for the first time and Serge inspired us to commit to our individual training programmes, and to work together as a Team and Squad on our Journey to Tampa 2011.
Again, this quote by Henry Ford seems appropriate for this historic moment:
Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.
Dragon Boat,
Sun 04 Apr 2011,
NSW Masters Dragon Boat Squad - Parkes Place / Canberra - Thu 01 Apr 2011 (picasa)
Full circle for me now. Started my first State Campaign in Canberra back in April 2005.
Fantastic campaign, Great Team and Great People. My favourite campaign and I've done a few now.
NSW Masters 2011,
Pacifc Dragons,
Just another week on (and off) the OC1 - ActionShell - Sydney / Apr 2011 (youtube)
Go Michelle and Charmian. Will be following your Adventures.
As Lisa said tonight - Good Luck ('Pomaika`i').
From Jo and I - Travel Safely - May you see a Rainbow ('anuenue'), a Dolphin ('nai'a') and a Turtle ('honu') - translations from here.
Love the video and the music, particularly the second track Baby I'm Gettin' Better by Gyroscope.
Baby I'm Gettin' Better,
Michelle Hone,
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The London Light - Southwark Bridge / London (Fri 04 Sep 2009)

I have been to London twice now - Aug 2005 and Sep 2009. Both times, I have seen an amazing quality of light that seems much softer than the harsh (maybe strong is a better word) Australian sunlight that I have grown up with and love. It's just a photo of some construction barriers (I have a whole series of these which might appear here one day) but for me this photo reminds of the light that I talk about here - LottieP writes beautifully here about a certain slant of light (maybe the expression could be used for summer light also?). The Red barriers also reminded of a recent photo of two red sofa's.
Lots of Little Things ... - Phillip Street / Enmore (Sun 17 Apr 2011)

Paste Up,
Phillip Street,
Sun 17 Apr 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Burnt - King Street / Newtwon (Sun 17 Apr 2011)

The remains of a small ticket box. A recent photo of the surrounding area is here.
I have a Dream,
King Street,
Sun 17 Apr 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Two Red Sofa's - Belmore Lane / Enmore (Sun 17 Apr 2011)

Saw a movie (Incendies - smh / google) at the Dendy on Sunday and went for a wander around Newtown and Enmore afterwards. Lots of new stuff around. Liked this photo of nothing in particular, really. Been here before. Got lucky (happens a lot with my photography) with the lady with red and blue address passing by just as I took this photo.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Beautiful Day / U2 - David Letterman / New York - Thu 5 Mar 2009 (youtube)
Some of the comments on the youtube page:
- check out the old dude in the pink shirt from 0:56 to 0:59 middle of the screen
- never seen the audiecne go crazy like that @ letterman! Whow!
- I .. hate U2, but this performance is unbelievable
- I always watch this every now and then. Roughly once a month. And each time without fail I think to myself when looking at that audience: "Those .. lucky bastards".
Beautiful Day,
New York,
Thu 05 Mar 2009,
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Love dares you to .. - King Street / Newtown (Sun 17 Apr 2011)
Why can't we give love
Cos love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the light
And love dares you to change our way of
Caring about ourselves [..]
Under Pressure - Queen
King Street,
Skippy Girls,
Sun 17 Apr 2011,
Under Pressure
Shroud - Water - Mount Gower / Lord Howe Island - 22 Oct 2001

The most amazing photo I have ever taken, though I had no idea at the time.
22 Oct 2001,
Lord Howe Island,
Mount Gower,
Saturday, April 16, 2011
City of Blinding Lights - U2 - Live - Brooklyn Bridge - 22 Nov 2004 (youtube)
Travel. Do not get stuck in one place. [..]
Whatever you do, walk over the Brooklyn Bridge.
Ken Burns (2004 Yale Commencement Speech)
Bono's preamble to the song in this video gives some idea to the meaning of the song to him. It was about:
a time in our lives when we did not know how powerful it was not to know.For me, the song reminds me of my first winter dragon boat campaign - the 2005 World Dragon Boat Championships in Berlin. Heard this song a lot while at the gym back then.
This is a song about innocence and naïvete.
Have already walked the Brooklyn Bridge way back in 1988. Will do it again later in the year.
City of Blinding Lights Lyrics
The more you see, the less you know
The less you find out as you go
I knew much more then than I do now
Neon heart day-glow eyes
A city lit by fireflies
They're advertising in the skies
For people like us
And I miss you when you're not around
I'm getting ready to leave the ground
Oh you look so beautiful tonight
In the city of blinding lights
Don't look before you laugh
Look ugly in a photograph
Flash bulbs purple irises
The camera can't see
I've seen you walk unafraid
I've seen you in the clothes you made
Can you see the beauty inside of me?
What happened to the beauty I had inside of me?
And I miss you when you're not around
I'm getting ready to leave the ground
Oh you look so beautiful tonight
In the city of blinding lights
Won't leave me as I am
But time won't take the boy out of this man
Oh you look so beautiful tonight
Oh you look so beautiful tonight
Oh you look so beautiful tonight
In the city of blinding lights
The more you know the less you feel
Some pray for others steal
Blessings are not just for the ones who kneel... luckily
Brooklyn Bridge,
Europe 2005,
Ken Burns,
New York,
Friday, April 15, 2011
Jenny - Indian Head / Fraser Island (Fri 26 Apr 2002)
A similar photo to this one and motivated by the same thinking.
Mangrove Tree - Trees - Fraser Island / Queensland (Sun 28 Apr 2011)
We spent a week on Fraser Island after Jenny and Jo competed at the 2002 Australian Dragon Boat Nationals on the Gold Coast with composite Dragons Abreast Teams. It was their first Nationals, and a good year and half before Dragons Abreast Sydney was formed. They enjoyed the opportunity to paddle with breast cancer survivors and supporters from all over Australia and they made many friends from the experience.
This has always been one of my FavouritePhotos. The light on the Sand Flats that afternoon was amazing (another photo to come at some stage).
Fraser Island,
Remembering Jenny,
Sun 28 Apr 2002,
Thursday, April 14, 2011
WHY CANT I BE BEAUTIFUL - Buckland Lane / Newtown / Sydney (Tue 12 Apr 2011)

Worship your body and beauty and sexual allure and you will always feel ugly.
David Foster Wallace (21 May 2005)
Buckland Lane,
iPhone Photos,
Tue 12 Apr 2011
On Thinking - David Foster Wallace (21 May 2005)
Twenty years after my own graduation, I have come gradually to understand that the liberal arts cliché about
It means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience.
Because if you cannot exercise this kind of choice in adult life, you will be totally hosed.
David Foster Wallace (w) - Transcript - 2005 Kenyon College Commencement Address (21 May 2005)

Sculpture by the Sea - Bondi / Sydney - (18 Nov 2002)
"teaching you how to think"is actually shorthand for a much deeper, more serious idea:
"learning how to think"really means learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think.
It means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience.
Because if you cannot exercise this kind of choice in adult life, you will be totally hosed.
David Foster Wallace (w) - Transcript - 2005 Kenyon College Commencement Address (21 May 2005)

Lac dets Coubous (2 of 2) - Water - Hautes-Pyrenees / France (Tue 22 Sep 2009)

It was an amazing walk and day - some more photos here (will need to scroll down a little).
Europe 2009,
Hautes Pyrenees,
Lac dets Coubous,
Tue 22 Sep 2009,
Lac dets Coubous (1 of 2) - Water - Hautes Pyrenees / France (Tue 22 Sep 2009)

Europe 2009,
Hautes Pyrenees,
Lac dets Coubous,
Tue 22 Sep 2009,
Cry, the clock said - Gary Numan - Farewell Concert - Wembley / London - Apr 1981 (youtube)
Following on from a couple of recent Gary Numan videos - just stumbled on this and enjoyed the video. The lighting makes it by emphasising the hands of the performer (Nash the Slash), who is playing what might be a violin or an electronic equivalent, while the face is left dimly lit so we can't really make it out - is the face masked or just badly disfigured (see here). A sad song about the end of a relationship, however the music I can't really describe as sad for some reason - at around the 2min 20sec mark, it appears to change to give some kind of a sense of awakening.
Cry, the clock said - Lyrics in Full
Why cry now
It's over
Feelings change
How are you
How am I
Cry, the clock said
Cry the Clock Said,
Gary Numan,
Wembley Stadium
Cars [2] - Gary Numan live with NIN - O2 Arena / London - 15 Jul 2009 (youtube)
Another view of the performance. This time we can see the person shooting the on stage video using a Canon SLR Camera.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Cars - Gary Numan live with NIN - O2 Arena / London - 15 Jul 2009 (youtube)
Just stumbled across this video during some random searching on google. Remember Gary Numan and this song along with a few of his others from the early 80's.
Really enjoy this video. Love the fact that is filmed solely on stage using a Canon SLR Camera. The closest we can get to Gary Numan is a side on shot. We get a feel for what is must be like to be a performer on stage.
A couple snippets from the youtube page
- Filmed by Rob Sheridan with the Canon 5D Mark II. Audio mix by Blumpy.
- Possibly the greatest thing that has ever happened, in the history of anything, ever! (a viewer comment :-)
Will post another video of the same performance, shot by one of the audience members, where we can see the this video being filmed.
Cars Lyrics
Here in my car
I feel safest of all
I can lock all my doors
It's the only way to live
In cars
Here in my car
I can only receive
I can listen to you
It keeps me stable for days
In cars
Here in my car
Where the image breaks down
Will you visit me please?
If I open my door
In cars
Here in my car
I know I've started to think
About leaving tonight
Although nothing seems right
In cars
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Courage in the Era of the Micro-Attention Span (quote)
"Enduring tedium over real time in a confined space is what real courage is."
David Foster Wallace
From a tweet by cyclingfansanon (they had a great blog here but now only tweet's - I think I know what they are trying to say).
Just a little more context here:
Another great David Foster Wallace quote to follow.

Abstract - May Street / St Peters (Sun 23 Jan 2011)
If I have added up correctly, this the 400th post.
David Foster Wallace
From a tweet by cyclingfansanon (they had a great blog here but now only tweet's - I think I know what they are trying to say).
Just a little more context here:
Wallace's premise is that in this era of micro-attention spans, there's a great dividend in giving one's full attention to somethingSome more here.
(Joel Stein)
Another great David Foster Wallace quote to follow.

If I have added up correctly, this the 400th post.
400th Post,
David Foster Wallace,
St Peters,
Sun 23 Jan 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
On Luck and Want (Garrison Keillor)
Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have, which once you have got it you may be smart enough to see is what you would have wanted had you known.
Garrison Keillor Lake Wobegon Days (1985), p. 337 (seen here)
Garrison Keillor Lake Wobegon Days (1985), p. 337 (seen here)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Friday's Child by Wendy Matthews (youtube)
"This is a song for everyone born on a Friday called 'Friday's Child'" (Hey, that includes me .. Geoff :-)
Wendy Matthews
Friday's Child Lyrics
Just when I lose my touch
you come up and touch me
Just when I can't find the words
you run up and tell me
I'm off in the distance
out of time, out of place
we always save a trace
for Friday's Child
Friday's Child
At times I drift too far from shore
you give the lifeline to me
when I fight my holy war
you tell me what it's good for
I walk in your footsteps
when the road gets too wide
you go the extra mile
for Friday's Child
I see it like a silver screen
I see just what you're like
when I can't see anything
you make the world turn my way
you make the world turn my way
I walk in your footsteps
when the road's hard to find
you stand the test of time
for Friday's Child
Friday's Child
You make the world turn my way
you make the world turn my way
Friday's Child...
you make the world turn my way
hey.... for Friday's Child.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Angels on the Moon - Thriving Ivory (youtube)
Don't tell me if I'm dying,
Cause I don't wanna know,
If I can't see the sun,
Maybe I should go,
Jenny wrote ..
I have always said to all of my doctors "Don’t give me a prognosis". I believe the mind is very powerful and I don’t want it locking onto any sort of timeframe. My mother was of the same opinion and she didn’t want her doctors to put any time constraints on her life. I am not silly, I know my situation is serious as through my associations with cancer support groups I have seen others with a similar diagnosis to me not be so lucky. But everyone’s journey is different. Each time I see a new doctor I say up front "Don’t give me a time".

Jenny's last sunrise (see photo's below) before her heart failed around midday on Tue 23 Jun 2009. She was revived and spent the last week of her life in ICU (more here).
The photos are by a friend Jeff Grant. I have photographed this beach with Jeff and another friend Leigh Perry. Some photos will be posted here in the future.

Joanne and I both remember Jenny talking to us about watching the sunrise over Botany Bay that day from her hospital bed at St George Private Hospital. Jo and I were both supposed to be at a early morning base building Aus dragon boat session at Blackwattle Bay but we were both very tired from Jenny's hospital visit to remove a 4cm brain tumor a week earlier. Jenny said she thought of us as she watched this beautiful sunrise. Jo and I often talk about this and always feel a little guilty that we were not out there on the water that morning doing what Jenny would have loved to be doing.
Jenny was always positive about her cancer and never asked for a "prognosis". I know she knew how serious this situation was for her. Liz the Sutherland Shire Cancer Support Group Counsellor told me that Jenny actually cried at the Meeting the week before her operation, something Liz had not seen before.
When I heard this song for the first time (thanks again to Charlotte, we were always bound to meet) the above lines resonated with me instantly. It seemed to describe vividly Jenny's outlook and that last sunrise she witnessed ..
If I can't see the sun,I have sat on this post for so long. Always feel like I can never capture what I am really trying to say. I think that is just about it. Time to watch Hell of the North. Life goes on, but it is important to remember.
Maybe I should go

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Wind in the Willows - Qingpu / China (20 Oct 2004)
"Trees are exceptional, people [..]
Belonging fully to earth but living also in sky
They have no death but only transformations."
From Future Now by Tessa Ransford
Jenny always loved this photo which I took while Jenny and Joanne participated in the 2004 World Dragon Boat Championships at Qingpu, a lakeside race course, about 50 km to the west of Shanghai. I had it professionally printed in A4 and A3 sizes with a selection of my favourite photos. Jenny always wanted me to frame it and put it up somewhere in the living area so we could remember our trip to Qingpu and Shanghai as well as enjoy the intricate and subtle details of the sunset silhouetted wind blown willow.
Whenever Jenny went into Hospital we always put photos up around her room and it was always a great way to generate a bit of conversation with the many Hospital Satff that were in and out of her room.
When Jenny went into ICU for the final week of her life, I pulled the A4 print of this photo out of the pile of prints I had had made and placed it on a column in front of her bed in the vague hope that she might see and recognise it.
On the day before Jenny died Joanne picked up the photo and moved it across Jenny's face and we were excited to see her eyes follow it - the first sign to us of some improvement in her condition. I went off to an outrigging canoe training session that Monday night happier than I had been in a long time and I arranged to see her on the way home, well after the normal visiting hours.
When I arrived into the ICU about 9.30pm, it was a different place to the busy and noisy place it was during the day. It was very quiet and the lights were dimmed apart from a soft spot light above Jenny's bed. She was asleep and looked very relaxed, the most relaxed I had seen her in the two weeks she had been in hospital. I decided not to wake her and sat quietly at her bed side and watched her steady breathing. I spoke quietly and proudly to Jenny's dedicated nurse about Jenny's life. I left Jenny that night not knowing that it would be the last time I would see her alive.
At 9.16am on Tue 30 Jun 2009 (the next morning), Jenny left us without Joanne or I by her bedside. Yet I know, Jenny was not alone, as the above photo, the one she loved so much, looked over her as she broke free from this world.
Just as the above poem extracts indicates, it might be nice to think that Jenny transformed herself into our memories:
They have no death but only transformationsIt is through our memories of Jenny that she lives on.
I will frame both A4 and A3 prints once I find a place for them and myself. For the moment I am happy to have written this post (which i had planned to do for a long time) which was inspired by the above poem extract. Thanks Charlotte.
Thanks to LottieP for allowing me to find the above extract from a poem by Tessa Ransford via her post of a beautiful poem titled The White Stone of Lewis.
(My first post from an iPad while on a weeks holiday at Coolangatta.)
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