I will find my wayWhen I see your eyes,
Now I'm living,
In your afterglow.
Don't Wonder "What if?" - Jenny P
Drew Ginn on Creating a Moment:
we all start out simply focusing on what we do. Then we either become inspired or imagine and things begin to progress. The days add up along with the months and years. Our focus improves along with our capacities and skills . We advance and things become interestingly possible. Then one day or over a period of days it becomes real. I mean it all starts to hit you that you are living your dream and aspiration has become action. This is a flexion point and a phase of confidently growing and shifting into a belief. Some times it faintly begins to unfold before the big moment and yet no one wants to let themselves get caught up in getting ahead of themselves. So then it's often not until its either to late or almost beyond the moment. The door is welcoming and somehow we can still hesitate. No moment stays open forever and some times they pass with out being taken.
via RUDDERFISH: Dreaming, Reality, Being Home & Moving Forward by Drew Ginn.
Streetshooter on Appreciation:
do what you do for you and be pleased you have the gift of sight and the love of something in your life.
via Streets of Philedephia … A Visual Diary … Page 9 … A Chat with Mother Light by Streetshooter.
In Life as in Photography.
Marie Popova on being Interesting:
The key to being interesting is being interested
via Emerson on What Beauty Really Means, How to Cultivate Its True Hallmarks, and Why It Bewitches the Human Imagination by Marie Popova.
We are all interesting in our own ways. We all have our own interests.
Streetshooter on Exposing Your Heart:
if you wear your heart on your sleeve, you have to be able to live with the bumps and bruises that will happen to it.
via Streets of Philedephia … A Visual Diary … Page 5 … Dreamcatch by Streetshooter.
Rebecca Norris Webb writes:
sometimes the best way forward is to turn and take a long look back.
via My Dakota: American Photo by Rebecca Norris Webb.
A window is normally a pretty good way to look back as well as forwards, and without turning around.
Streetshooter on Photography, Feeling and Responsibilty:
if you feel a photo in your heart and you see it in your heart and mind, you need to see it with the camera. [..]I like to assume responsibility for my work [..] there’s a real satisfaction to SEE something and then MAKE a photo and have it satisfy you and maybe others too. You can think how you saw the photo coming together and recall everything about it that you didn’t take the time to forget.
I think I understand but not fully.
via Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 7 … Fuji X100s by Streetshooter.
I've walked to work since we moved office in Feb last year. I love it. It takes about 30 minutes and it has become an invaluable time for me to just walk and be engaged in the moment of just doing that. It gives me a chance to just think about things and I solve many problems and reflect on life a little. I have found a nice way and a few options and a couple are my favourites because how they make me feel. Often I see something that I have not noticed though I have walked past it many times. This photo is one of those things. It is just a few scratches on a peice of metal that has been painted red. I felt it, saw it, made it and I am responsible for giving it a life beyond itself. I love what photography does and these words make some sense of it all. Thanks Streetshooter.
No Caption Needed on the Archive:
the archive, and should it be that our best work is behind us, that would be where you would find it.
via NCN on the Road by No Caption Needed.
Streetshooter on Life and Participation:
I want to be a participant in my life, not just an observer.
via Streets of Philadelphia … A Visual Diary … Page 7 … Fuji X100s by Streetshooter.
jtinseoul on Photography and Memory:
Photography is about Memory. Not the making of memories, but about the capturing of them.
Addding that photos can be a reminder of:
how it felt to be here when I wasn’t.via Cameras do matter (sort of) by jtinseoul.
So succintly and nicely put - these words touch my heart.
Just found these photos on an old disk. Certainly do bring back some memories and how I felt just over 10 years ago. So much has happened and it feels like another life, the life of someone else told to me so intimately with an open heart and no secrets because I seem to know it so well, I can feel it - but can it be me, really!!
Funny how and what a photo makes you think and feel.
Mike Slack on Photography and Engagement:
I don’t know what the goal is, other than to keep doing it, to stay in practice, to stay engaged and see new things. There's a lot of repetition, and satisfaction, in the behavior.
via Q & A with Mike Slack by Blake Andrews.
I sense the same feeelings in my own photography (and life and paddling for that matter). The engagement, the doing, without any particular goal can help you through some tough times in your life. And, this is what I did and continue to do.
Daniel Ostroff on Design:
design should not be an act of creative self-expression but rather a process of problem solving.
via Legendary Designer Charles Eames on Creativity, the Value of the Arts in Education, and His Advice to Students by Maria Popova.
Iain S. Thomas on being Yourself and Acceptance:
accept yourself for who you are, with all your failings and shortcomings, and all your successes and your triumphs. [..]Accept tiredness. Accept frustration. Accept joy. Accept the moments that make life, life. Accept grief and your need to mourn when someone close to you dies. Accept your desire for better things. And accept that the journey to what you're try to accomplish with your life is as important as what you do eventually accomplish with it. It's a chase and that's all it ever will be and there is nothing wrong with that.
The Most Important Thing You Forgot to Do Today by Iain S. Thomas.
William Deresiewicz on Introspection:
Introspection means talking to yourself, and one of the best ways of talking to yourself is by talking to another person. One other person you can trust, one other person to whom you can unfold your soul. One other person you feel safe enough with to allow you to acknowledge things—to acknowledge things to yourself — that you otherwise can’t. Doubts you aren’t supposed to have, questions you aren’t supposed to ask. Feelings or opinions that would get you laughed at by the group or reprimanded by the authorities.This is what we call thinking out loud, discovering what you believe in the course of articulating it.
via Solitude and Leadership by William Deresiewicz.
Mike Slack on Photography:
Part of the allure of photography is [..] an unrepeatable split-second of light, color, texture, all mind-bogglingly specific to a location in space-time.
via Q & A with Mike Slack by Blake Andrews.
Iain S. Thomas on Taking a Risk:
I have seen people wait their entire life for the perfect moment to squeeze their heart, and that moment never came. I have seen people risk it all too late, be amazed by what they found, and cry over the time they wasted. I have seen people disappointed and sad and poor and more aware of who they are and what they are than anyone who didn't dare risk what they risked. I have seen people never know their own heart, and they may as well have never had one.
Via The Risks of Never Reaching Inside Your Own Chest by Iain S. Thomas.
Jason Langer on Photography and Authenticity:
the truest, most authentic self is only revealed in isolation. For me, the social self is a mask. The photographs collected here are, simply put, a record of my attempt to penetrate the mask and expose some glimmer of the mystery beneath.
via JASON LANGER: TWENTY YEARS by Aline Smithson.
I have also found that the true authentic self is often revealed in those raw moments in your life involving your Heart where something is lost - a relationship through a breakdown or a death. A Tear is often a manifestation of the true authentic self because there is nothing left - no masks, no filters. In those moments of loss, before, during and after, the true authentic self is most often revealed, as it should be. For it not to be, might show great resilience in character and [maybe] a Heart of Stone, but this will only magnify and potentially extend the grieving and bereavement process that should follow any significant loss.
There is a beauty (if you are prepared to look at life this way) to the process, it's rawness and what it reveals in character. It shows you are living and experiencing a meaningful life in all its extremes. I have thought that my photography could - and to some extent it has already (and when I think about it as I write these words, it is the very reason I bought my first small digital camera way back Dec 2000) - pursue this direction. They are often markers and important references in your life as you move forward. I have found great comfort in my photographs.
Iain S. Thomas on Trying:
I've been told I'm special in so many different ways my entire life, why should I have to try, and continue to educate myself, try, and maintain a healthy marriage, try, and exercise, try, and work to accomplish something -- anything -- great?This is one of the hardest illusions in the world to break. I am not special and I need to try if I want anything. There is nothing sad about that. The only happiness, joy and beauty that isn't temporary, that will nourish your soul and make you feel human and connected to yourself, is found in realizing that you actually have to try.
Iain S. Thomas on Trying:
it is the act of trying itself that is transcendent [..] Not trying to be cool. Not trying to be cynical and detached. Just trying.
RoughType on Time and Patience:
The greatest of works — in art, science, politics, whatever — tend to take time and patience both to create and to appreciate. The deepest experiences can’t be measured in fractions of seconds.
The seconds are just packed by RoughType.
Been paddling (Dragon Boating and Outrigging both OC1 and OC6) for just over 10 years now. I have had an amazing time and done things way beyond my dreams and capabilities. I have felt every extreme of paddling [and life and death], the highs and the lows, and everything in between. It does take time and patience and I still feel like I am Learnig to Fly.. The journey continues in a different way now, but I am still learning and hope I have more in me. To try and be the best I can for me and those around me.
Taylor Phinney on Pain:
You can’t focus on anything except this pain that you are feeling. That is kind of a beautiful thing. You are always thinking about so many things at the same time, but a lot of athletes I guess use pain to really live in the moment, which is what we are all trying to do anyway.
via Taylor Phinney on enduring pain and a changed outlook on cycling and life by Shane Stokes.
Tim Winton on Time and the Past:
When a wave breaks, the water is not moving. The swell has travelled great distances but only the energy is moving, not the water. Perhaps time moves through us and not us through it ... the past is in us, and not behind us. Things are never over.
via The Turning by Tim Winton.
These words are so touching. Not really sure how to say what they make me feel - this photograph of me the day after Jenny died, might say it all? Maybe time did move through me and I am still there - I don't know really, but this photo makes it feel like it - one of those reference points in life. It also reminds me of who I was, who I have become and want to be, which when I think about is the same thing. Not sure what I'm trying to say or how (nothing unusual there). Gladly, it is never over. I have a past, it is who I am. And thankfully, I've stopped trying to be anything else.
Iain S. Thomas on Light:
I hope that in the future they invent a small golden light that follows you everywhere and when something is about to end, it shines brightly so you know it's about to end.
The Light That Shines When Things End by Iain S. Thomas.
Write About Something ElseWrite about something that makes you feel uncomfortable.
Write about something that makes you worry what other people will think.
Write to try and capture your own unique voice and take on things.
Write About Something Else by Iain S. Thomas.
And that is pretty much what I have done here these last 6 years. It's certainly been uncomfortable. I've definitely worried about what other people will think and it's been done my way. And the best bit is that I have loved every minute of it. You've Gotta Love It as Patricia would say.
Richard Johnstone on Portrait Photography:
One of the great mysteries of portrait photography hinges on whether we can successfully read character and biography into a single image.
via Face time - Photography | Richard Johnstone reviews the finalists in this year’s Head On Portrait Prize by Richard Johnstone.
I think the portrait of Jenny captures her character perfectly. I had an A4 print made of it shortly after I took it on Christmas Day in 2006. Joanne bought a nice frame for it and we placed on her Coffin at her Funeral. What better photo to celebrate and reflect on her life.
Keep writing. Give everything away for free. That's what worked for me.Remember: Every word you write makes you one word better than you were before you wrote it.
I might have survivor bias but I believe if you keep doing the thing you love, eventually you get good at it and people notice it.
via reddit by Iain S. Thomas.
Iain S. Thomas on Inspiration:
a lot of my inspiration comes from the idea of simply telling the truth about the way that you feel.
reddit by Iain S. Thomas.
Appreciate every moment of happiness and remember it when you despair. Hold them close. And when you are happy, remember the moments of despair and think to yourself, "I told you so."
The First Day On Earth by Iain S. Thomas.
Before Tim did what he did, I'm pretty sure I did not know what Despair meant. When we left Canberra the day after we said Goodbye, we went to the place he decided to leave us. When I took this photo of myself, this is when I finally understood what Despair meant - it's written all across my face. And more importantly, I found out what it felt. A hard way to learn the meaning of a word. This is Life and we take from it what we can to make us stronger and more resilient.
I don’t believe in giving up. [..] Believe in yourself and what you’re doing, and success will follow.
via Amy Lombard Interview: Flashy Portraits of Unordinary People by Freddy Martinez.
Daniel Arnold on Street Photography:
I'm very happy to be around anybody who's engaged in their moment. Shooting gives me new affection for all people. [..]People are so on guard and used to being photographed. Everybody sets out to look a certain way and it never goes quite how they expect. It's catching those moments in between that makes for an interesting picture.
On the Prowl With Instagram’s Ultimate Street Photographer by Mary H. K. Choi.
Tim Winton on Optimism:
optimism is a form of discipline. Live like everything will be alright.
Tweet by @rodbaxter.
Ever the optimist, but it can appear to be naive. Always balance this with expect the unexpected and this will always protect you from too much harm.
I Wrote this for You on Heart:
If you carry someone in your heart for too long, it will become heavy..
via The Sky Has Weight by I Wrote this for You (Iain S. Thomas.
Nothing the matter with a heavy heart. At least you know you have a heart and that's all you need to live, to be grateful for what you had and to be happy just for that. I realised this a long time ago and it is how I choose to live my life. Today, the first cold day of winter, it shone through a little brighter than normal.
Tim Winton on Patience:
If you don't have the chance to wait, you still have to wait. You wait until it's right.
Tim Winton on Books:
to go in there and see this whole room devoted to books ... it was great.
via Books: Wait until it's right by David Larsen.
I was told it was old fashion to have a book shelf, but I think it is great.
Julie Zemiro..:
I did not know I was good at it, but then, when you realise other people think you are good at it, you think you might be good at it, and that gives you confidence and builds the next thing.
via Julia Zemiro talks Ian Thorpe and season three of Home Deliver by Paul Kalina.