Warning: This may make no sense at all.........so be patient
"Get the glide right"
Rowing[/paddling] involves an in and out cycle that swings and sways. It also goes up and down, sometimes even side to side.
It’s cyclic and so with every revolution we have an opportunity to make the next one better.
With ever turn of the wheel we need to keep putting effort in which is natural, the flip side to this is in the moments of glide, recovery, reflection, pose, readiness, preparing and spaciousness.
It’s a time when you can decide what’s next and how you’re going to make the next cycle better. You get the chance to decide what you need and want?
So you see the glide is critical for achieving your best.
Call it what you want. You decide what to call it; you decide what’s next.
To me the glide is an opportunity to find that perfection, to create the links between the drive, the work and the effort.
The glide is the link between each stroke, every session, all the races; each and every one counts and needs to be accounted for.
It is through the glide that they become more than the parts.
The sum is in total an accumulation of much more than just effort; it is more because we allow our effort to be rewarded by allowing it to happen.
Trust the glide and make more of rowing[/[paddling] that just effort and grunt. [..]
Another Favourite Blog Post from Drew Ginn.
In dragon boating we have the Hit and Glide, so when I read this I definitely understood what Drew was saying, not only about moving a boat, but also life in general. Probably one of the best pieces of writing on rowing[/paddling] I have come across (there a few more Drew Ginn articles which are just as good and they will follow at some stage).

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