This is the third year of this exciting large-scale photographic exhibition in Hyde Park. The reasons for its success and popularity are many. The elegant main avenure of Hyde Park, with its arching trees, makes for an inspiring natural gallery. Placing art in this iconic Sydney setting encourages passers-by to linger that little bit longer.
The photographers have embraced the opportunity to have their images exhibited in this remarkable large scale on canvas form. The City of Sydney's decision to award a first prize of $5,000 has given further strength to the exhibition. This year sees a higher percentage of established and well-known photographers, as well as younger photographers.
In choosing the images for Sydney Life, we looked for unique and truthful statements that reflect Sydney diversity and vitality as a City. The 26 striking and varied images, are proof of the fascinating place in which we work, live and play.
I would like to thank all the photographers who contributed their vision and the City of Sydney for their support and belief in this unique project.
Sandy Edwards, Curator Sydney Life
sydney life
This large scale photographic exhibition displayed along the central walkway of Hyde Park creates an open-air gallery against the leafy backdrop of the Park.
Twenty-six photographs have been chosen from 1400 entries ot create an impressive visual experience reflecting the diversity and uniqueness of Sydney Life.
The City of Sydney Photography Prize: For the first time, a $5,000 prize will be awarded to the most outstanding work, judged by a panel of distinguished judges, including Anne Zahalka (renowned Sydney-based photomedia artist), Karra Rees (Project Manager, Australian Centre for Photography) and Steven Lojewski (documentary photographer and Senior Lecturer in photomedia, Sydney College of the Arts)

The Photographers and their Photos
Marco Bok - April and Crystal Roberts
Tamara Dean - The Dancers
Joshua Glenn Heath - Training
Mick Tsikas - Epiphany in Paradise
Fiona Morris - Reclain the Streets
Michael Amendolia - Rites of Passage - Cutting the Cake
Matt Hoyle - Mark
Debra Phillips - Mirror
Tom Williams - Father and Daughter on a Bicycle
Steven Siewert - Haunted
Joshua Glenn Heath - Corner Store
Paolo Talbert - Midsummer Eve
Ingvar Kenne - Untitled
Neil Bailey - Dawn Fraser Swimming Pool
Lisa Hogben - Past, Present and Future
Andrew Mamo - The Tree House
Anthony Sayers - Sixteen Feet
Tamara Dean - Donna's first Swim
Wendy McDougall - Everyone Loves a Parade
Sasha Ruth Woolley - Danae of Darlington, 2004
William Yang - "Ladder" Cooks River, Marrickville South, 2004
Petrina Hicks - Zeinab
Paul Blackmore - Bra Boys
Dean Sewell - Pool Shark
Sophie Howarth - Rumplestillskin, the Lilipilly Stage, Big Day Out
Dean Lewins - Big Day Out
At www.archive.org - Sydney Life 2004 and Art and About 2004
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