Friday, April 13, 2012

On "showing up every day" by Patrick McHugh (Fri 13 Apr 2012)

Colour Coordinated - Spencer Street - Melbourne (Mon 02 Apr 2012)

Have missed posting a daily (at least) photo here - have realised it gives me a little goal and keeps my mind active.

Decided to come back sooner than I thought. The following quote from this post (*) today from Patrick McHugh (*) gave me some perspective:
showing up every day. You would think that would be easy, but it is not. We all have bad days. We all want a break on those bad days. But what I have found is not showing up on those bad days often leads to a habit of giving ourselves a break on the sort of bad days or even the mediocre days. So, on the bad days, the important thing is to show up.
So my little goal from here is to try and show up each day, no matter how I feel.

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