Wednesday, April 3, 2013

On Street Photography - I Wonder If - Larrisa Archer (Tue 02 Apr 2013)

Untitled - George Street / Sydney (Sun 31 Apr 2013)

Larrisa Archer (*) on viewing Garry Wingorand's (*) current Exhibitiion (*) writes On Street Photography (*):
I'm wondering if even street photography (*) can be trusted to tell us anything beyond what is in the photographer's own heart at the moment--

I wonder if it is in fact the most deceptive of all genres, for the very reason that it posits a certain objectivity, not rehearsed and posed but candid and full of accidents, an imprint of a reality that is out there for anyone and everyone to witness together.

I wonder if, regardless of the literal elements of the scene, the tone an image takes on and expresses is due to the photographer's own moods, his own prejudices, enthusiasms, "abortive sorrows and short-winded elations."

And then I wonder if this is in fact any less reliable than the notion that the images can say something objectively true about their over-arching subject (for instance, America) when that subject is itself so complex, many-sided, and open to a seemingly endless range of interpretations.
via 'We Have Not Loved Life': Garry Winogrand at SFMOMA (*) by Larrisa Archer (*).

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