Darren Lehmann (*) writes (*):
Sure, you are playing a professional sport and you want to be a success. But life is more important than any game or any sport. I'm really big on getting closer as a Bulls group - we are almost like a family - and we want to look after each other outside the game, not just within the game. I've told the players they can't leave the ground for at least an hour after play. We talk about a whole heap of things - it might be cricket but it might be something else. There were some players who used to leave within five minutes. It works well; we all just enjoy each other's company and that is probably the best thing we have got going.via Headmaster of mateship (*) by Will Swanton (*).
As my Nephew, Thomas (*), told me when he was all of the age of three,
A Team is a Powerful ThingAlways make me laugh when I think of that. The wisdom of a three year old.
I have been involved in team sports all my life, so being and working together (*) is an important. It is something that everyone needs to recognise and work towards. Darren's approach of spending time together after play is one way, though I am sure there are more ways. It depends on the team (*).
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