As Gav told me a long time ago:

Will reiterate Billy's (my OC6 Coach) words from our 400km in 40 days Challenge in January 2011..
For-40 Achievements by Billy ..Have to feel good about all the changes that are happening in our bodies as we move into the Blue and Red cycles of the first Meso Cycle.
Congrats to all those that took on the For-40 Challenge!
Whether you made the full 400km or not here's how working towards it would have transformed your body over the last 40 days...
You would have increased the number of capillaries in your paddling muscles. More oxygen rich blood can now reach the muscle fibres to see you paddling harder for longer... awesome!
The density of mitochondria would have increased in your paddling muscles . These little babies use oxygen to break down glucose and fats to create the energy that fires your muscles. The more you have the faster you can paddle for longer ... yeah!
You would increased the number of enzymes available to breakdown fats. The more of these you have the better you are able to use fat as fuel source and conserve precious sugars for passing other crews, catching runs and big finishes... you gotta love that!
You would have improved your muscular efficiency. Through repetition your brain now better coordinates all your paddling muscles so they work smoothly and seamlessly together. This minimises energy use to see you paddling harder for longer... and looking good too!
The number of red blood cells and hemoglobin would have increased. This sees your blood now have a greater oxygen- carrying capability.The more oxygen in the blood, the more blood to your paddling muscles, the harder you can paddle for longer... wow!
Thanks Billy for this great initative. The 400 km in 40 days was definitely what I needed for where I was at the beginning of January 2011.
Keep on Paddling. Win the Workout

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