Thursday, May 19, 2011

Being the Best – Take Action Now by Vern Gambetta (Wed 06 Oct 2010)

Vern follows up on his post Thoughts on being the Best (11 Nov 2011) with the following:

Being the Best – Take Action Now (Wed 06 Oct 2010) ..

  • Be Smart - Work on something specific each day. Have a plan! Train with a purpose. Improvement is incremental. Does not have to be big. Small steps lead to big steps.

    ACTION: ...

  • Pressure is what you make it! Embrace it. Put yourself in pressure situations to learn. Use the pressure to make you better, internalize it and use it as a positive influence.

    ACTION: ...

  • Belief – If you don’t believe in yourself who will? Think you are the best and you are on your way. Confidence, believe in yourself, your preparation and in your support system.

    ACTION: ...

  • Routine – Great athletes do the same thing, the same way, at the same time each day. Regularity. You can set a clock by the routines of the great ones.

    ACTION: ...

  • Work - Everyone works. The great ones work smarter with a sense of purpose. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses objectively. Then work to minimize your weaknesses and optimize your strengths. Bring your weaknesses up to the level of your strengths.

    ACTION: ...

  • Choices - It is always about choices. Make the conscious choice to be the best. Life is constantly about choices.

    ACTION: ...

Without ACTION these are all just words. Take ACTION now!

He expands with the following:

In bold are the qualities with an explanation, but those are just qualities. Underneath each item you see the word ACTION. [..] Over the years I have learned it is too easy to set goals or to talk about being the best, unless those goals are followed up by specific actions it just is a very temporary feel good process. Each individual needs to take control and decide on the they action they will take. They must establish ownership. Do not recommend or assign an action for them.

As always, Vern has a great blog and it is always worth following his posts.

Jenny two weeks after liver resection - ERG Practice - Bank Street / Sydney (Sun 03 Jun 2007)

Jenny two weeks after liver resection - ERG Practice - Bank Street / Sydney (Sun 03 Jun 2007)

Jo ready to crack 400m for 2min - ERG Practice - Bank Street / Sydney (Sun 03 Jun 2007)

Joanne, Geoff and Jenny - Masters Men and Womens 500m Silver Medalists - IDBF World Championships / Sydney 2007 (Sun 23 Sep 2007)

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