Friday, September 20, 2013

On Fear (1 of 2) - Spencer Lum / Ground Glass

Untitled - Split / Croatia (Tue 30 Jul 2013)

Spencer Lum (*) writes On Fear (*):
Fear is a dark and menacing thing. It lurks in the shadows of our minds. Always hard to find, always waiting in the wings, never quite gone, never quite there.

But I’ll take it over security, any day.

Security is worse.

Fear accompanies all great things. It’s there in progress, change, and growth. It’s there when you shed your own skin. It’s there when you let yourself to become more.

You don’t own fear by forgetting it. Security is not fear vanquished. Security is settling for less.

Let fear be your guide. You fear when you care. You fear when you want. Really want.

Fear doesn’t tell you what to run from. Fear tells you what to run to. There is no fear that accompanies the unimportant. It is the most clear and vital indicator that something actually matters. [..]
via Multiple | Ground Glass (*) by Spencer Lum (*).

As always, thanks Spencer (*). You always make it so clear, and again have helped me make a decision (*). So it's time to start building up. Let all the risk taking (*) begin yet again.

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