Jorg Colberg (*) writes On Photography (*):
There are gifts (*) everywhere, and you “just” need to be able to spot them, accept (*) them, work with them.via Review: Emile Hyperion Dubuisson’s Far (*) by Jorg Colberg (*).
End of the first week in our new Office. A new stomping ground for my Street Portraits (*). The area is vibrant and I know it well from my time at UTS doing my Postgraduate Degree in Data Processing (what an old fashion term). Love it here already and I could not help but snap this photo of a building site worker out on his lunch hour with a nice balloon in tow.
An aside and thanks: Jorg Colberg (*) is my favourite writer on photography. He is able to abstract the essence of an experience, a book or whatever; and write so clearly and succinctly about it. He always gives you something to think about and I eagerly await his next post. Thanks Jorg.