Have found the GPS output to be useful in gauging what is happening with the boat during a session (stopped looking at it in the boat a long time ago). Also, when comparing with other GPS outputs, we can see the outcomes of the our training over the course of the season or campaign.
I have developed and refined numerous spreadsheets and programs to process the data, and present some useful information in the form of graphs and tables. Ultimately, I hope to have a web site - www.gpspaddler.com (have registered the domain name and have lots of python code already written) - up and running (by writing this here, I will hopefully find the motivation to finish the web site off).
The following is an example. The reason I show this particular session, is that it stands out in my mind and shows a breakthrough in our performance and training. We had come a long way since early May 2009. It demonstrated that we had blended together as a team and we were definitely a strong crew (both physically and mentally) with potential to achieve our dreams. Aim to make the Final and anything is possible ..
The 500m Sets were done at Level 4 (a couple of notches below race pace) with a soft 20 Stroke Start (114m at 30s - the high 120m's is where you need to be competitive in an international race) with both 500m Sets done in around 2min 3secs. Certainly not world record pace, but for a long and intense training session, very respectable. Actually, I had not recorded such numbers in any boat in training on the Bay and remember being very excited when I downloaded and processed the data.
Over the next week we would change and refine our starts to a 25 Stroke Start for the 500m and a 30 Stroke Start for the 200m. I always found the 30 Start better and hoped that we would move to a 30 Start for the 500m's at some stage. We did this in our last race as a Mixed Crew (as George called it - "The Rabbit out of the Hat"), the Final of the Senior Mixed 500m in Prague on Sat 29 Aug 2009. It worked brilliantly.
[No secrets here - every campaign, boat, crew, technique and waterway is different. What's done is done and hopefully we can learn from every experience. The GPS definitely facilities the learning experience for the current session and campaign as well as for future campaigns.]

Hello World GPSPaddler - The Journey begins today .. Geoff