A great article and one worth reading. Here are some random points ..
Being clear minded should be an important objective going into the Games [Championships]. Once again though, it is critical to feel focused and occupied and to avoid falling into the human tendency to start overanalyzing. It has been suggested that "nothing never happens"; in the absence of a constructive focus our minds sometimes start "over-thinking" or "over-perceiving."He concludes with the following:
- Enjoy the emotional spectrum that is part of life.
- Accept and experience feelings, let them go, and channel the energy into growth and effective responses.
- Respect the power and positive and negative significance of emotions on your system.
- Manage relationships and time so that you do not become emotionally drained at key times in your life, especially when working hard physically and mentally.
- Let go of irrational beliefs and perspectives.
- Reaffirm your mission, values, and perspective.
- Live. Never have to say, "I wish I would have ..."
An athlete should be confident in mental skills going into the Games [Championships]. Responses to stress and boredom should automatically be constructive, and time and relationship skills should be crisp and effective. Creative simulations, quality training sessions, and lead-up competitions can help ensure the rust is off attention and competitive skills during the countdown.
I would say to each of our Olympic athletes: Walk away knowing you gave it your best shot and exulted in the opportunity to test yourself in one of the most prestigious and emotional environments in the world. Accept that you can never totally control your emotions that is part of the challenge of being human. With emotional preparation, practice, and management we can often come closer to our situational potential.Definitely worth a read. Take from it what you can for your own mental preparation.
Compete with passion, perspective, and preparation and be all you can be as you pursue your Olympic destiny. I wish you physical prowess, a clear mind, and an unburdened heart. Citius, Altius, Fortius! [The Olympic Motto]

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