The background to these photos ..
I had just flown in that morning from Shanghai (via Singapore) where I had bid farewell to Jenny and Joanne. I was excited about the trip there for the World Dragon Boat Championships at Qingpu just to the west of Shanghai (I was just an excited spectator and photographer in those days - definitely inspired me to get into dragon boating on our return). During the return flight I had already decided that I would go back to meet Jenny and Jo in Shanghai on their return from a group road trip and some traveling by themselves (which included 5 days on the Yangtze River). It would be a surprise for them and we would spend the last 4 days in Suzhou and Shanghai where I would celebrate my 44th Birthday.
Thought I would walk up to Newtown to keep myself awake as I had not slept much on the over night flight from Singapore. Had my tiny IXUS and I was photographing the Mona Lisa and I remember Skip asking me about what I thought of the painting and her smile. I said I liked it and I remember doing some googling later and found a couple of really interesting pages (should have them somewhere - will try to find them).
Following this initial conversation it was easy for me to ask Skip whether I could take some photos of him in front of the painting. He was a more than willing performer. Bob was just there sitting on the step smoking a cigarette and they seemed to know each other.
For the closeup photo at the top of the page I remember being quite taken by his jacket (it was a hot mid-Spring day) and the large ring he had on is finger. So I just asked him to raise his hand to his sunglasses. I was happy with the result. I remember printing some of these photos and leaving an envelope with them (and some Mona Lisa related web pages) at the Church just around the corner in King Street.
This is the closest I have ever come to doing something like what LottieP does everyday at Sydney Spy (definitely one of my favourite blogs).
Should try to do more of this kind of photography. Skip was the one who engaged with me first - not sure that I could initiate the first contact to do this kind of portrait photography on the street. Though I should try to get out of my comfort zone a little.
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